Longing for a time...

Oh, dear childhood...
That in the rush of life,
is lost,
deep in the memory...

A life of tales and stories!
Simple relationships,
created under glory.
I miss you so much...

Small child,
always so serene...
Naive girl...

That child,
that hastens everything.
From kissing to talking...
One day you'll remember!

That time is fire!
It passes too quickly...
The flame goes out
...and it never lights up.

I miss my crayons...
The scratched doll...
From the abandoned rope,
in the first traces of the flower...

How my chest hurts,
the longing for a time...
Lived with time!
Ah... time has passed...
...and will never come back!

So, this adult,
who gives himself over to toil,
finally close your eyes...
...and starts crying...


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